Requirements & Fee


Minimum Building and Other Requirements Color Scheme 
1 kanal for Pre-School and High School:
2 kanal for Pre-Primary and Comprehensive School
4 Kanal for Higher Secondary Reception Campus Manager Office Principal Office Accounts Office Staff Room Classrooms (Preferably One for Each Class) furnished and equipped with White Board and LEDComputer Lab 20 Computers. Intel Core I 5 better With 4 GB RAM at least Examination Hall (optional)Printer (Optional)Scanner with resolution of 1200 dpi, 48 bit color(Optional)CCTV camera(s) with IP connectivity, installed at entrance, lab(s), Examination Hall (Area)(Optional)Multimedia ProjectorInternet Bandwidth (preferably CIR / Dedicated)TelephoneWashroom Block (3 washrooms at least)Library 3 Science Labs (In case of High and comprehensive School 
Boundary wall – white with 1 feet green at top School main gate – green with white logo 2*2 feet Building Exterior- white with 1 feet green at top ClassRooms-  . white  and as per provided layout and design


Franchise Franchise Fee Royalty 
The Educare Lyceum (National School)1000000/10% on tuition fee collected  
The Educare Lyceum (international School)1500000/10% on tuition fee collected
The Educare Lyceum (Islamic School)500000/10% on tuition fee collected
The Educare Lyceum (Home School)100000/10% on tuition fee collected
Play Group To Higher Secondary 100000010% on tuition fee collected

Conversion Fee will be decided on case to case bases