CEO’S Message

The importance of quality education for Socio-economic development of any country and nation cannot be over-emphasized. In addition to character building it provides the human capital necessary for research, innovation, growth, and national development. Moreover, inclusive and uniform access to primary  education is also of pivotal importance to lead the country on the path of economic and technological development.

One of the major challenges being faced by the education sector of Pakistan is lack of qualified faculty vis-a-vis demand. Effective utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools provide a practical solution to this issue while maintaining the highest and internationally acceptable education standards.

The Educare Lyceum  is pioneer in the use of ICTs for imparting the quality education to its students all over the country including the remote areas .. With its highly flexible mode of education, The Educare Lyceum enables its students to manage studies and provides opportunities to harness their untapped talents.

The Educare Lyceum is playing its due role in promoting education in the country. I hope that the TEL will continue to ensure best quality in education and research.

I wish this institute success in the years ahead.